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1 Software engineering is considered as a ____ discipline
*computer science
*Software Testing

2 _______ is a general systems concept that is the degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined

3 Which of these describes the phases of the software cycle and the order in which those phases are executed?

4 In general model, each phase produces _____ required by the next phase in the life cycle

5 A type of software testing that seeks to reveal clash of individual software modules to each other is known as _______ testing
*integration testing

6 The _______ model is an intuitive approach to the waterfal model

7 Information hiding is information (data and procedure) contained within a module is inaccessible to modules that have no need for such information
*None of the options

8 IPO chart stands for ______
*Input-Program-Output chart
*Information-Process-Output chart
*Input-Procedure-Output chart
*Input-Process-Output chart

9 COBOL is considered a _______
*programming language
*a tool

10 Software can be categorised into three major types namely ____ software, programming software and application software

11 __________ software offers tools to assist a programmer in writing programs

12 The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements is _________

13 The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase is _______
*None of the options

14 Performing data conversion before loading data into the system is an example of a major task during system implementation
*None of the options

15 One of the three types of validation testing is ______
*Validation Testing
*Software Testing
*Program Testing
*None of the options

16 Integration testing is carried out to find out if different (two or more) units/modules match properly
*None of the options

17 Integration testing doesn’t help in finding out if there is any defect in the interface
*None of the options

18 What type of inspection is carried out without formal preparation (of any presentation or documentations)?

19 _______ is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications and that it fulfils its expected purpose
*None of the options

20 There are ______ phases in spiral model


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