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1 An orthogonal coordinate system with lines as axes is the ---
*Cartesian coordinate system
*Cartesian coordinate solution
*Cartesian composite system
*Cartesian coordinate supplication

2 CLUT is sometimes called ---

3 Complimentary colors are ---
*colors which can be mixed together to yield black color
*colors which can be mixed together to yield red color
*colors which can be mixed together to yield grey color
*colors which can be mixed together to yield white color

4 Computer graphics is a field of --- computing

5 Coordinate transforms that can be described by linear systems are ---
*affine transformations
*affin transformations
*afine transformations
*fine transformations

6 CRT stands for
*Catalyst Ray Tube
*Cathode Ray Transformer
*Cathode Reader Television
*Cathode Ray Tube

7 Digital Differential --- (DDA)

8 Dithering uses the same principle that half --- uses for printing

9 FED is short for
*Field Emission Data
*Field Emitting Device
*Fault Emission Device
*Field Emission Device

10 Graphics software is the software tool needed to
*create game application the software tool needed to
*create graphics the software tool needed to
*create applications the software tool needed to
*create graphics applications

11 How does FED work?
*like a CRT
*like a CRT with multiple electron guns at each pixel
*like a CRT with multiple electron guns at each side
*like a CRT with multiple electron guns at each part

12 How many types of cones do we have?

13 In ---, we work with points and vectors defined in terms of some coordinate frame
*computer graphics
*computer games
*computers generally
*computer applications

14 In motion capture, once the data is captured, it’s hard to --- for a different purpose

15 Input devices can be described either by physical properties or --- properties

16 Key framing is ---
*A user driven animation
*Simply animation
*A user driven imaging
*A user driven picturing

17 kinematics technique is often used for ---
*key framing
*pixel framing

18 Nodes of a BSP tree can be up to

19 One of the drawbacks of the depth-buffer algorithm is that it requires a lot of ---
*flash drive

20 Procedural animation is generally --- to control



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