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1 The coaxial cable supports which transmission system
*Wired-Wireless Transmission
*Wireless Transmission
*Analog Transmission
*Digital Transmission

2 Routers supports which kind of topology

3 In Which Network Infrastructural device broadcasts its data

4 To transmit digital signals on an analog network, each interface must contain __

5 What does this acroynm PSTN stands for
*Power-ON Telephone Network
*Public Service Telephone Network
*Public Switched Telephone Network
*Power- ON Telephone Network

6 The cable commonly used for digital transmission is the _ video, over large __
*50–ohm cable
*40–ohm cable
*60–ohm cable
*30–ohm cable

7 In standard television cabling, the coaxial cable system uses the __
*Diaphragm Transmission
*Analog Transmission
*Protocol Transmission
*Digital Transmission

8 Essentially, modems enable the encoding of _
*Protocol Data
*Analog Data
*Modulated Data
*Digital Data

9 The process of transmitting several signals over a single communication channel is referred to as ?

10 Generally, transmission and advertisement alternate in time on the same __

11 The network interface layer is particularly concerned with the protocols that access the _ networks

12 The acronym TDM refers to ?
*Total Development Multiplexing
*Total Division Multiplexing
*Time Development Multiplexing
*Time Division Multiplexing

13 Which of the following options has a signal intensity that varies in a smooth fashion over time?
*Continuous Signal
*Bidirectional Signal
*Traversal Signal
*Multiple Signal

14 The layer that handles the transfer of information across multiple networks through the use of gateways of routers is the _
*Session Layer
*Application Layer
*Transport Layer
*Internet Layer

15 Fundamentally, an electromagnetic signal consists of many __

16 In the field of computer networks, the acronym UTP stands for __
*Unshielded Twisted Protocol
*Unshielded Tainted Pair
*Unshielded Twisted Pair
*Unshielded Twisted Poll

17 In order to transmit digital signals on an analog __, each interface must contain digital signals.

18 Which of the following options is employed in transporting a raw bit stream from one machine to another?
*Protocol layer
*Application layer
*Transportation layer
*Physical layer

19 LANs usually depend on their own hardware for __

20 The purpose of a__ is to connect nodes across an Internetwork.


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