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Quiz Question
1 The decimal equivalent to the binar number 1011111 is
2 Convert the Octal number 255 into binary
3 The decimal equivalent of the Octal number 725 is
4 The decimal value of the hexadecimal number C4A is
5 Which of the following is the binary coded decimal (BCD) form of the decimal number 99?
6 Which of the following conditions will make the function F=A'BC + AC' TRUE?
7 Which of the following is the simplified equivalent to the function F=(A'+B' + A'B'+AB)(A'+BC)?
8 Which of the following is the dual of (A'+B+C')(A+B'+C)+1
9 According to the De Morgan's theorem, which of the following is equivalent to (x .y)'?
10 Which of the following is equivalent to (x+y)'
11 A product term that contains all the variables used in a function is called a
12 For a 2-input NAND gate which of the following x and y input combinations would yield an output of 1?
13 For a 3 input XOR gate which of the following input patterns would yield 0 at the output?
14 The x input of a 3 input XNOR gate is 0. Which of the following y and z combinations would yield a 1 at the output of the gate?
15 Which of the following is a 2-dimensional array of squares, each of which represents one minterm in a Boolean function?
16 Which of the following logical operations is represented by the + sign in Boolean algebra?
17 For which of the following gates will the output be a LOW when one or more inputs are zero?
18 The output of a NOR gate is HIGH when:
19 In synchronous systems, the exact times at which any output can change states is determined by a signal commonly called the:
20 A 3-input AND gate has eight input possibilities, how many of those possibilities will result in a HIGH output?

Quiz Question
1 What does the small bubble on the output of the NAND gate logic symbol mean?
2 If the output of a three-input AND gate must be a logic LOW, what must the condition of the inputs be?
3 Logically, the output of a NOR gate would have the same Boolean expression as:
4 Which of the following gates has the exact inverse output of the OR gate for all possible input combinations?
5 The output of an exclusive-OR gate is HIGH if:
6 How many input combinations would a truth table have for a six-input AND gate?
7 On a master-slave flip-flop, when is the master enabled?
8 Which of the following is correct for a D flip-flop with Enable?
9 Which of the following is true for the Q output of a D latch when EN is HIGH?
10 A J-K flip-flop is in a "no change" condition when 
11 A correct output is achieved from a master-slave J-K flip-flop only if its inputs are stable while the:
12 What does the triangle on the clock input of a J-K flip-flop mean?
13 A J-K flip-flop with J = 1 and K = 1 has a 20 kHz clock input. The Q output is
14 On a positive edge-triggered S-R flip-flop, the outputs reflect the input condition when 
15 The hold condition of an S-R flip-flop is when:
16 If an active-HIGH S-R latch has a 0 on the S input and a 1 on the R input and then the R input goes to 0, the latch will be 
17 With four J-K flip-flops wired as an asynchronous counter, the first output change of divider #4 indicates a count of how many input clock pulses?
18 What is the significance of naming the J and K terminals on the J-K flip-flop?
19 Why are the S and R inputs of a gated flip-flop said to be synchronous?
20 What is one disadvantage of an S-R flip-flop?

Quiz Question
1 An invalid condition in the operation of an active-HIGH input S-R latch occurs when 
2 A positive edge-triggered D flip-flop will store a 1 when
3 The purpose of the clock input to a flip-flop is to
4 A feature that distinguishes the J-K flip-flop from S-R type is the
5 Asynchronous counters are known as
6 An asynchronous counter differs from a syncronous type in
7 The modulus of a counter is
8 A 3-bit binary counter has a modulus of
9 A modulus-12 counter must have
10 A BCD counter is an example of
11 A 4-bit binary up/down counter is in the binary state of zero. The next state in the down mode is
12 The terminal count of a mod 13 binary-counter is
13 In a 4 variable Karnaugh map a 2-variable product term is produced by
14 A 3-variable Karnaugh map has
15 The Quine-McClusky method can be used to
16 Like the latch, the flip-flop belongs to a category of logic circuits known as
17 A 4-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of
18 All Boolean expressions can be implimented with
19 The hexadecimal equivalent for the binary number 1111011110101001
20 The binar number 101100111001010100001

Quiz Question
1 This is a unit of information which can only represent two possible values:
2 Which of the following is true about decimal and digital systems?
3 Which of the following is the octal representation of the decimal number 14
4 Which of the following is the binary from of the octal number 75?
5 The number form in which each digit of a decimal number is represented by its binary equialent is called:
6 The BCD representation of the decimal number 93 is
7 The modulus of a counter is
8 A 3-bit binary counter has a modulus of
9 A modulus-12 counter must have
10 A rectangle of adjacent 1-minterms is called a
11 A 3-bit binary up/down counter is in the binary state of zero. The next state in the DOWN mode is
12 The terminal count of a mod 12 binary-counter is
13 The Karnaugh map method reduces a Boolean function from its canonical form to which other form?
14 A subcube that is not contained within any other subcube is called a
15 Minterms that are free to assume the values of either 0 or 1 without affecting the outcome of a function are called
16 For a BCD 7-segment display how many input combinations result in don't care values for all of the segments?
17 A 5-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of
18 The main feature of a sequential circuit that facilitates memory is
19 An SR latch with an inverter added between the S' and R' inputs to avoid asserting both inputs is called
20 If an SR flip-flop is implemented using NOR gates which input combinations should never be allowed?


  1. Kudus to you for well job done,it really assist. Question 4 is not activated, thank you.

    1. Which of the number four
      Please type the question.

    2. he meant to say tma4 and not question four. when the answer button is clicked, the answer doesn't pop up

    3. Check your browser please because its showing from this angle.

  2. Tnx 4 d job well done. #am#gr8ful.

  3. I find it so gr8ful nd motivating when I see some1 like u taking ur time to do dis 4 d benefit of others.u re inddeed a leader in d making nd worthy of emulation. keep d good work going, cos someday it will speak loud 4 u. May God reward u immeasurably.

  4. Its all for good guys..... also using it to practice somethings.


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