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1 Which of the following options is the ability of an object to be a container for related properties and methods
*Data abstraction

2 Which of the options is the ability of objects to shield variables from external access?
*Data hiding
*Data abstraction

3 Which of the options in Object Oriented programming makes it easy to maintain and modify code
*Data hiding
*Data abstraction

4 Which of the following is the capability of a class to use the properties and methods of another class while adding its own functionality
*Data hiding
*Data abstraction

5 In Java terminology, a more general class in an inheritance hierarchy is called a
*Major class
*Extra ordinary Class
*Middle class

6 Which of the following options is the capability of an action or method to do different things based on the object that it is acting upon

7 Which of the following options consist of Overloaded method and overridden method.
*Modular Programming

8 Which of the following is correct about an Object-Oriented language?
*It is a machine language
*It is a low-level language
*It is a high-level language
*It is a functional language

9 Which of the options is a disadvantage of an Object Oriented programming?
*Modules can be easily used and repeated anywhere in the source code
*You can implement polymorphism techniques
*Modules cannot be easily used and repeated anywhere in the source code
*You can use inheritance to acquire the properties of object of another class/Superclass

10 which of the following options is not the programming techniques used in Object Oriented language?
*Information hiding and data abstraction
*encapsulation and modularity

11 A collection of cooperating objects, as opposed to the conventional model, in which a program is seen as a list of tasks to perform is known as
*object-oriented program
*Class-oriented program
*Module-oriented program
*Data-oriented program

12 Which of the options support the following: Ada programming language, C Sharp programming language family, C++, Fortran, Java programming language, Smalltalk programming language family?
*High level programming language
*Machine programming language
*Low- level programming language
*Object-Oriented programming

13 Hiding internal state and requiring all interaction to be performed through an object's methods is known as
*Data abstraction
*Data encapsulation

14 The mechanism in Java that allows one to combine data and the operations on that data in a single unit is called a

15 Which of the following options is the acronym for OOD?
*Object- oriented data
*Object-Oriented Design
*object-option design
*object-option data

16 Which of the folloing is another name for Properties in Object-oriented programming?

17 Which of the following options is another name for Message passing systems?
*Shared something
*shared nothing
*Shared everything
*Shared thing

18 Which of the following options is NOT an example of Message passing styles?
*Actor model implementation
*Amorphous computinAntiobjects and Flow-based programming
*Icon model
*Antiobjects and Flow-based programming

19 when are two messages considered to be the same message type?
*If the code and the name of the message are identical
*if the name and the arguments of the message are identical
*if the IP and the tiers of the message are identical
*if the name and the arguments of the message are not identical

20 Who among the options argued that message passing is a concept more important than objects?
*Bill Venners
*Günther Blaschek
*Alan Kay
*Hill Venners


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