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CIT 208 TMA :(1)(2)(3)(4)

Quiz Question
2 For numeric values, the correct statement is
3 … names can be given to database objects by using synonyms
4 The --- statement is used to delete records and rows in a table
5 The --- operator displays a record if both the first condition and the second condition is true
6 A decomposition of a relation schema R consists of --- the relation schema by two or more relation schema that each contain a subset of the attribute of R and together include all the attributes in R
7 The relational algebra is a --- query language
8 WSDL is used for ---
9 What do we use to tag data?
10 Database constraints are defined ---
11 A null value is ---
12 UDDI is used ---
13 How is SOAP used?
14 Web service ---
15 What is Web Service Security?
16 WSA stands for
17 WSA provides ---
18 What is database roll forward?
19 Database roll back ---
20 What do you understand by conceptual model?

Quiz Question
1 What is SQL?
2 What is ISO?
3 SQL statements are not --- sensitive
4 The study of information systems attempts to understand and rationalize the management of technology within ---
5 SQL comprises
6 Expert system does not permit ---
7 MIS stands for
8 SQL SELECT statement is used
9 Transaction Control is used to
10 DCL is used to
11 What do you understand by a conceptual model?
12 … is one of the two most common forms of interaction in a conceptual model
13 DML is used to
14 One of the basic categories of SQL statements is
15 DDL is used to
16 IS stands for
17 Which of the following is used to filter records
18 ______ is used for describing the services available
19 _______ is a value that is unavailable
20 _______describes a standardized way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML

Quiz Question
1 Transaction control manages the changes made by the_____
2 We use --- to access and manipulate databases
3 The --- type specifies what type of data the column can hold
4 A computer database relies upon software to organize the storage of data. This software is known as a
5 JDBC stands for
6 … is used to organize the storage of data in a database
7 Which system supports "what if" analysis?
8 Which system helps to arrive at a decision?
9 A --- most often contains one or more tables
10 We use the following SELECT statement to select all the columns from the "Persons" table
11 XML is short for
12 The study of --- systems originated as a sub-discipline of computer science in an attempt to understand and rationalize the management of technology within an organization
13 What is used to access and manipulate databases?
14 Can SQL statements be entered on one or many lines?
15 Expert system can make decision
16 We use --- to do Projection, selection and joining
17 A --- is the basic storage structure of a Relational Database Model
18 The --- clause is used to filter records
19 A --- model represents 'concepts' (entities) and relationships between them
20 The --- model is explicitly chosen to be independent of implementation details

Quiz Question
1 SQL --- are basically divided into four
3 With the WHERE clause, the --- operator Searches for a pattern
4 A --- is an association between two or more entities
5 The most common view of an information --- is one of Input-Process-Output
6 Management reporting system is a/an
7 What is DDL?
8 SQL --- are not case sensitive
9 … is used to view the structure of a database table
10 Entities are
11 SQL SELECT Syntax:SELECT column_name(s) FROM
12 XML documents are made up of --- units called entities
13 Database constraints can be defined over a
14 The basis of RDBMS is ---
15 What is a transaction processing system?
16 The specific technologies of information technology are:
17 The most common view of an information system is one of
18 What are Information Systems used to analyze operational activities called?
19 A type of decision support system that is geared primarily toward high-level senior managers is
20 An IS department typically provides:


Always tick and cross check your answers


  1. I need solution to fsm 208 tmas(1,2,3,and 4 tmas) please


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