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1. Who among the options proposed an algorithm that finds a pth without any backtracking?

2. Which of the following is not an efficiency of Quick sort algorithm

3.Which of the options can be based 0n both a recursive and non-recursive algorithms?

4.Which of the options is the standard number of rows and columns in a chess board?

5.The following are an efficient of binary search,except?

6.Which of the following options is used as a part of many geometric algorithms?

7.Which of the options is a procedure for solving computational problems?

8.Which of the options works by comparing a search key K with the array's middle element.?

9.Which of the options is correct about a queen in a chess?

10.Which of the following options is the family where Hill Climbing belongs,

11.Which of the options is the algorithms with divide-and-conquer technique?

12.Which of the options divide its input's elements according to their position in the array?

13.Which of the following is not an example of divide-conquer approch?

14.Which of the following Options divide its elements according to their value

15.Which of the options do you need to scan the entire given list to find its smallest elements

16.Which of the options is to compare adjacent elements of the list and exchange them if the are out of order?

17.Which of the options is a fast and easy way to transverse an array of a given set of elements

18.Which of the following options is true about Hill climbing Technique?

19.Which of the options is Hill Climbing widly used?

20.Who among the options discovered another linear time algorithm and proved that it solves the Hamiltonia path problem for all n > - 5?


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