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1. Which of the options is an example of divide-and-conquer paradigm?

2. Which of the following options is a recursive sort algorithhm?

3.Which of the options has a time complexity of theta(n log (n)) on the average?

4.Which of the following paradigms helps in the discovery of effecient algorithm?

5.Which of the following sorting algorithm has average-case and worst-case running time of O(n log n)?

6.Which sort is an O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithm?

7.Which of the following options is the fastest sorting algorithm?

8.Which of the options is the main advantages of sorting algorithms?

9.Divide-and-conquer paradigm consist of following major phases,except?

Combine these solutions to subproblems to create a solution to the original problem.

10.Which of the options divide its input's element according to their value?

11.Which of the following sorting algorithms with a time complexity of O(n log(n))even in the worst case?

12.Which of the options divide its input's elements according to their position in the array?

13.The following are advantages of Divide-and-conquer,execpt?

14.The following are the significance of sorting,execpt?

15.Partition-Exchange sort is also known as?

16.Which of the following options is not true about a sorting algorithm?

17.Sorting algorithms are often classified by the following,execept

18.Which of the following sorting algorithm maintain the relative order of records with equal keys?

19.Which of the following algorithms works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same type?

20.The ideal sorting algorithm would have the following properties,except?


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