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Waec 2017 Agricultural Science 3 (Practical) Free Expo

Friday, 21stApril, 2017
Agricultural Science 3 (Practical) 09.30am – 11.00am


i) Nitrogen 
iii) Potassium 


i)Ring method
ii) side placing
iii) Broad casting


i)Control pond algae
ii)It is used to Enrich compost
iii)It is used to Block and control garden pests.


i)For neutralizing and reduce soil acidity
ii)It helps in freeing up soil minerals, and making them available
for absorption into the plant
iii)It is used for reducing water acidity


i)it increase organic content of the soil
ii) it increase soil structure
iii) it increase soil perforation


spe I
i)it is used for carring farm produce
ii)it is used for carring farm input eg fertilizer

spe J
i)it is used to sharpern edges of cutlass
ii)it is used to straghten rough edge of farm tools


i)store in dry and clean environment or place
ii)wash and clean it after used

3 ai)

- Stunted growth
- Galls on leaves
- It causes diseases to crops
- It decreases the farm yield

3 aii )

- Spray with insecticides
- Uproot and burn infected plants

3 bi )

3 bii )

- Pod borers
- Bean beatetle
- Leaf hoppers

4 ai)

3 breeds of farm animal which produce T are
- Brown leghorn
- White leghorn
- Rhoda island red

4 aii )

- It is a source of protein to feed of livestocks
- It is a source of protein to man
- It is a source of income to breeders when sold
- It is a source of calcium to poultry

4 bi )

- It can be harvested by using fishing net
- It can also be harvested by using hook and line

4 bii )

- Oil
- Bone
- Scale

4 biii )

- Sundrying
- Smoking
- Salting
- Canning



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