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1.The third generation officially began in april __________ with IBM's announcement of its system/360 family of computers.

2. _________ kernel is a kernel architecture based on combing aspect of micro kernel & monolithic.

3.A significant problem that multitasking system must address is sharing data & _______ among multiplied tasks.

4.A ________ computing system is a connection of physical inter-connected computers.

5.Consideration in the design of a kernel is ________ tolerance.

6.An OS allows computer system resource to be used on an ________ manner

7.An ________ system can be defined as a set of computer programs that manages the hardware and software resource of a computer.

8.One of the features of Ms Dos version 3.0 is that it supported ________ disks.

9.A ________ is sometimes called light-weight process.


10.Thread ________ is the task of terminating a thread before it has completed.

11. ________ Allocation is even more critical in an real-time operating system than on other operating system.


12.TAJ is indians first object oriented operating system,It is made with C++ with some part in ________

13.The ________ generation is characterized by the appearance of the personnal computer & work station.

14. ________ Are threads that are visible to the programmer and unknown to the kernel.

15.The first generation marked the beginning of ________ computing.

16.In general a lock free algorithm can run in ________ phases.

17.The ________ to/one model maps many user level threads to one kernel thread.

18.Every signal has a default signal handler that is run by the kernel when handling the signal.these default may be overridden by a _______ defined signal handler function.

19._________Schedulling is the simplest algorithm but it can cause short processes to wait for very long one.

20.________modelling is a type of analytical evaluation.

21.The function of a ________ is to allow processes to communicate with one another without the need to resort shared data.

22.In the second generation the ________ channel was controlled by a channel program set up by the operating system I/O control routines & initiated by a special instruction executed by the C.P.U

23.A process is _________ if it can be affected by the other process executing in the system.


24.The principal of separation of mechanism and policy is the substantial difference b/w the philosophy of _____ and monolithic kernel.

25.With _______,each process that wants to communicate must explicitly name the recipient or sender of a communication.

26.________ Dinjkstra proved that from operation logical point of view,atomic lock and unlock operating on binary semaphores are sufficient primitives to express any functionality of process co-operation.

27.The idea of kernel where I/O devices are handled uniformly with other process as parallel to co-operating processes was first proposed and implemented by _______.

28.The second generation of computer hardware was must not ably characterized by _________ replacing vaccum tubes as the hardware component technology.

29.In a _______ processing operating system environment user submit job to central place where those jobs are connected into a batch and subsequently placed on an input queue at the computer where they will be run.



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