Friday, 21stApril, 2017 Agricultural Science 3 (Practical) 09.30am – 11.00am 1a) i) Nitrogen ii)Phosphorus iii) Potassium 1aii) i)Ring method ii) side placing iii) Broad casting 1bi) i)Control pond algae ii)It is used to Enrich compost iii)It is used to Block and control garden pests. 1bii) i)For neutralizing and reduce soil acidity ii)It helps in freeing up soil minerals, and making them available for absorption into the plant iii)It is used for reducing water acidity 1c) i)it increase organic content of the soil ii) it increase soil structure iii) it increase soil perforation 2ai) spe I i)it is used for carring farm produce ii)it is used for carring farm input eg fertilizer spe J i)it is used to sharpern edges of cutlass ii)it is used to straghten rough edge of farm tools 2aii) i)store in dry and clean environment or place ii)wash and clean it after used 3 ai) - Stunted growth - Galls on leaves - It causes diseases to cr...
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