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Showing posts from October, 2015


1. 1964 2. Hybrid 3. Hardware resources 4. Networked 5. Fault 6. Efficient 7. Operating 8. RAM 9. Thread 10. Cancellation 11. Memory 12. Assembly 13. fourth 14. Fibers 15. Commercial 16. 4 17. Many 18. User 19. FCFS 20. Deterministic 21. Message system 22. Data 23. Co-operating 24. Micro 25. Direct 26. EDSGER 27. Brinch Hansen 28. Transistor 29. Batch


1.The third generation officially began in april __________ with IBM's announcement of its system/360 family of computers. 1964 1965 1966 1967 2. _________ kernel is a kernel architecture based on combing aspect of micro kernel & monolithic. Dico Pico Hybrid None of the above 3.A significant problem that multitasking system must address is sharing data & _______ among multiplied tasks. Hardware resources Software resources Program resources Kernel resources 4.A ________ computing system is a connection of physical inter-connected computers. Digital Software resource Networked None of the above 5.Consideration in the design of a kernel is ________ tolerance. Fault Pressure Logic Binary 6.An OS allows computer system resource to be used on an ________ manner Remarkable Logic Efficient Credible 7.A...


ANSWERS 1. Three 2. flyback 3. unsafe 4. semaphore 5. DOS=Disk Operating System RTOS=Real-Time Operating System IPC=Inter-process Communication FIFO=first-in,first-out FCFS=First-Come,First Served SJF=Shortest-Job-First MMU=memory-management unit IRC=Internet relay chat 6. Object-Oriented Operating System 7. multitasking,multithreading and multiuser 8. Monolithic 9. Time Sharing 10. passive 11. device 12. parents 13. defunct process 14. independent 15. user threads 16. target 17. dispatch latency 18. non-preemptive 19. race condition 20. Operating System 21. Kernel 22. picokernel


1. In typical designs, a task has....... states Three Five Eight Ten 2. The critical response time, sometimes called the time 3." " means the results are inconsistent or unpredictable, particularly when one task is in the midst of changing a data collection. 4.A binary is either locked or unlocked. 5.Write the full meaning of the followimg DOS: RTOS: IPC: FIFO: FCFS: SJF: MMU: IRC: 6.An is an operating system which internally uses object-oriented methodologies. 7.TAJ OS is a , and operating system. 8.The kernel of TAJ Operating System is of ....... type. Monolithic Exo Nano Micro 9. refers to sharing a computing resource among many users by multitasking. 10.A program is a entity such as the content of the file stored on disk, whereas a process is an entity, with a program counter specifying the next instruction to execute and a set of associated resources. 11.The list of process...